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Dental Health

Posted January 27, 2021 / Blog, Dental Health
Ryan Whalen

Can Poor Oral Health Cause Diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic and complicated disease that affects how your body processes sugar—its main source of energy. Diabetes symptoms mostly affect your heart, eyes, nerves, and kidneys, but it can affect your whole body, including your mouth. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), more than 29 million Americans have diabetes, and almost 2… (Read More)

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Posted September 27, 2020 / Blog, Dental Health, Patient Care
Ryan Whalen

Can Dentists Detect Eating Disorders in Children & Teens?

At Whalen Dentistry, we want our dental family to feel safe and comfortable in our practice, and for each experience in our care to be positive. We also want our patients and their families to be informed, which sometimes means discussing heavy topics—today’s heavy topic is eating disorders. Wondering why a dentist would broach the… (Read More)

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Posted September 13, 2020 / Blog, Dental Health
Ryan Whalen

Is it Ever Too Late for Dental Work?

Let’s be honest. If you are like most people, you’ve probably put off going to the dentist at one time or another. Some of us have even avoided seeing a dentist for years at a time. Research shows one in three Americans avoids going to the dentist regularly. As the time spent away from Dr…. (Read More)

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Posted May 27, 2020 / Blog, Dental Health
Ryan Whalen

Buds for Life: Your Tongue & Taste

Full disclosure before your Cornelius dental team at Whalen Dentistry starts dropping knowledge on the muscles in your mouth that are partially to thank (or blame) for the foods you love: we’re hungry as we write this and are envisioning pizza; yummy, savory pizza with cheese that stretches when you grab a slice, crust with… (Read More)

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Posted May 13, 2020 / Blog, Dental Health
Ryan Whalen

Fluoride: Good or Bad?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the fluoridation of drinking water is ranked among the ten greatest public health achievements of 20th century America. However, a quick search of the internet tells us that fluoride can actually be toxic if ingested in large enough quantities. So which is true? Do the health… (Read More)

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Posted March 27, 2020 / Blog, Dental Health
Ryan Whalen

Oral Hygiene for Families on the Go

Today’s families seem to be busier than they were in the past—lots of homework, extracurricular activities, and hopefully, some quality time spent with the family. Here are a few ideas from Dr. Ryan Whalen to make consistent oral hygiene a little more convenient: Brushing teeth in the shower: as hard as it is to get… (Read More)

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