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Posted September 14, 2021 / Blog, Patient Care
Ryan Whalen

Sports Drinks & Energy Drinks: Proceed with Caution

Dr. Ryan Whalen at Whalen Dentistry wants to make sure our patients know all about healthy hydration. Most people already know that soda and juice aren’t great for teeth, but now the American Academy of Pediatrics is cautioning parents and caregivers that sports and energy drinks have similar negative effects. Sports drinks are intended to… (Read More)

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Posted August 13, 2021 / Blog, Patient Care
Ryan Whalen

Is it Time to Toss that Toothbrush?

When you find a toothbrush that’s just right for you, it can be easy to get attached. After all, you use your toothbrush morning and night (ideally) to prevent plaque and bacteria from hardening and becoming tartar—that’s what we like to call quality time!  When your toothbrush does so much good, you want to return… (Read More)

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Posted May 27, 2021 / Blog, Patient Care
Ryan Whalen

Help! My Child is Terrified of the Dentist

If you’re the parent of a young child, you know their brains are similar to sponges that soak up everything around them—especially in their first five years, which neuroscientists say is when they’ll do the most learning and developing in their entire life.  At this formative time, your child may amaze you with what they… (Read More)

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Posted March 27, 2021 / Blog, Patient Care
Ryan Whalen

How Do I Answer My Child’s Dental Questions?

Kids aren’t afraid to ask questions about everything under the sun, and teeth are just one of the many mysteries they will ponder. At Whalen Dentistry, our pediatric patients come up with some of the most interesting questions we hear—and we hear questions all day!  Most of the time, kids’ questions about teeth are fairly… (Read More)

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Posted March 16, 2021 / Blog, Patient Care
Ryan Whalen

CariFree®: Oral pH in Balance

CariFree® is a revolutionary dental product line that balances the bacteria in your mouth for a healthier pH level. Once the chemical makeup inside your mouth is healthy and stable, CariFree products have been scientifically proven to prevent cavities.  They also offer solutions for sensitive teeth and dry mouth, and xylitol gum in addition to… (Read More)

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Posted February 27, 2021 / Blog, Patient Care
Ryan Whalen

Straight Talk on Straight Teeth: Do Braces Hurt?

Orthodontic treatments have been around for centuries, but luckily the materials and methods used have been updated with the expansion of education and technology. If they hadn’t, you might see metal bands or golden wires wrapped all the way around teeth instead of small brackets held in place by wires—or worse, cords made from animal… (Read More)

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