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Dental Technology

Posted April 27, 2024 / Blog, Dental Technology
Ryan Whalen

Do You Snore or Have Sleep Apnea? Get MAD!

We don’t mean the emotion, though you just might be feeling it if you or your loved ones have been losing sleep because of snoring or obstructive sleep apnea. MAD is the abbreviation for Mandibular Advancement Device, and it’s a type of oral appliance that could help you and your family experience restful sleep again…. (Read More)

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Posted January 16, 2024 / Blog, Dental Technology
Ryan Whalen

Benzocaine is Not Safe for Teething!

Benzocaine has been an over-the-counter local dental anesthetic for people of all ages for many years. It is available in most drugstores, often under product names such as Anbesol®, Orajel™ , Hurricaine®, and Baby Orajel™.  Recently, the use of benzocaine has been linked to a rare but serious condition called methemoglobinemia, a disorder that reduces… (Read More)

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Posted December 13, 2023 / Blog, Dental Technology
Ryan Whalen

Hate Flossing? – 5 Flossing Alternatives

There are two kinds of people in this world: those who floss, and those who don’t. Diligent flossers everywhere inspire those of us who live with them or know them. Flossing may not be a philosophical virtue but it’s certainly high on the list of qualities amongst people who “have it together.” Read more below… (Read More)

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Posted July 13, 2023 / Blog, Dental Technology
Ryan Whalen

Is Flossing Really Necessary?

How do you feel when you see that little plastic floss container in your medicine cabinet? Eagerness to achieve that clean feeling in your mouth? Or regret over a habit you have trouble keeping? Did you get excited about recent headlines saying flossing isn’t necessary? We’re sorry to break the news, but as your oral… (Read More)

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Posted June 27, 2023 / Blog, Dental Technology
Ryan Whalen

Pacifier Pros & Cons

To binky or not to binky? Pacifier use for infants has been a subject of debate as long as they’ve been around. Whalen Dentistry shares some pros and cons below. Pros Pacifiers can soothe a fussy baby. Whether your child has a strong sucking reflex or has difficulty falling asleep, a pacifier can be an… (Read More)

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Posted January 27, 2023 / Blog, Dental Technology
Ryan Whalen

Mail-Order Braces: Buyer Beware

Mail-order braces are a controversial dental topic, and Dr. Ryan Whalen of Whalen Dentistry weighs in today. Direct-to-consumer orthodontics companies make many appealing promises—no dental visits, aligners delivered to your door, and lower costs. But are the risks worth it?  Not according to this consumer alert from the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO). As of… (Read More)

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Posted December 16, 2022 / Blog, Dental Services, Dental Technology
Ryan Whalen

What to Expect: Your Child’s First Visit to the Orthodontist

If you had to undergo orthodontic treatment as a child or teen, hearing it recommended for your little one might make you wince—we understand! However, we’d like to assure you that just like general dentistry and treatments today, orthodontic care has improved in hopscotch-style leaps and bounds!  Thanks to advances in technology and early intervention,… (Read More)

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Posted November 27, 2022 / Blog, Dental Technology
Ryan Whalen

Time & Orthodontics Can Silence Bullies

According to a recent study published in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, teeth were the #1 feature that increased a child’s chances of being bullied. A person’s smile and teeth are often the first things people notice, and kids are no exception. Whalen Dentistry would like to share some ideas that can… (Read More)

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