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Dental Health

Posted April 13, 2019 / Blog, Dental Health, Dental Services
Ryan Whalen

I Had Braces, Now My Jaw Hurts: Can Orthodontics Cause TMJ?

You had braces when you were younger and never experienced any jaw pain or other TMJ symptoms prior. Then, after you completed your orthodontic treatment, you developed a pain in your jaw, maybe accompanied by popping, locking, clenching and grinding. Maybe you developed these symptoms shortly after having your braces removed, maybe it was a… (Read More)

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Posted March 27, 2019 / Blog, Dental Health
Ryan Whalen

Is Fluoride Safe for Kids?

At Whalen Dentistry, we know that Cornelius parents work hard to prioritize their child’s health and happiness—you can count on us to do the same! The smiles of your children are a contagious expression of delight, and our role as their oral healthcare provider is to protect those precious pearly whites. That’s why we fill… (Read More)

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Posted February 27, 2019 / Blog, Dental Health
Ryan Whalen

What Are Those Bumps? Oral Tori

Unusual shapes and growths can be alarming anywhere in the body. If you’ve noticed hard bumps growing in your mouth, you might have oral tori. What are Oral Tori? Tori (or a single torus) are bumps in the mouth made of bone tissue covered by gum tissue. They grow slowly and some people have them… (Read More)

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Posted January 27, 2019 / Blog, Dental Health, Dental Services
Ryan Whalen

The Story of Caries Prevention

If we told you that your mouth is the site of a constant battle between teeth and bacteria, would you believe us? Alright, maybe it’s not that dramatic, but the fact that Cornelius teeth are always at risk of developing dental caries is no exaggeration. In case you’ve never heard about caries, Dr. Whalen is… (Read More)

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Posted November 27, 2018 / Blog, Dental Health
Ryan Whalen

TMJ: The Root of Your Pain

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction is a really long name… so let’s call it TMJ.  That sounds more familiar—you’ve probably heard it before. Maybe some lingering pain in your chewing muscles and bones even have you wondering if you have it. TMJ dysfunction is sometimes called TMD, TMJD, or TMJ Syndrome, especially if there seem to be a… (Read More)

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Posted November 13, 2018 / Blog, Dental Health
Ryan Whalen

Dry Mouth: Nothing to Spit At

Can you imagine a 2-liter bottle of your favorite soda? Now imagine that same bottle filled with spit. That’s approximately how much saliva the average adult produces in their mouth every day! It may be gross, but it’s definitely important. Saliva is a normal body fluid that’s crucial for oral health and overall wellness. If… (Read More)

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Posted August 13, 2018 / Blog, Dental Health
Ryan Whalen

A Real Nail Biter

We all have those nervous habits we turn to when we feel awkward, stressed, or just plain bored. If your choice vice is biting your nails, you need to know that it can cause a lot of distress on your oral health and overall health. Cornelius dentist Dr. Ryan Whalen shares why nail biting is… (Read More)

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